Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (VE8YK)

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA



DXWorld reports that as of 23 February, 2022, the Parliament of Ukraine declared a state of emergency starting 24 February 2022 in all of Ukraine, other than in eastern Donetsk and Luhansk.  While the state of emergency is to last 30 days, given the magnitude of Russia's invasion (which is an act of international aggression) of Ukraine in the past 24 hours, the length of the declaration is probably going to be extended.  Amongst the various decrees a ban on amateur radio transmitting devices is now in effect.  Amateur radio receivers are not banned - and that would include shortwave receivers ( ).

The suspension of amateur radio services in times of war or national emergency is not unprecedented.  The amateur radio service was suspended in most countries during World War 2, including Canada, and many amateur radio operators found themselves in uniform with various signals formations and in development of high tech systems such as radar or code-breaking. 

The Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society expresses its concern over the current situation and wishes all radio amateurs in Ukraine to know that they are in their thoughts.  We have removed their QSL cards from out photo gallery as a precaution.  Hopefully they will be on the air again soon and making transpolar contacts.  They will have an important role in the wake of the illegal act of aggression.

The Society also sends its best wishes to all amateur radio operators in harm's way and to the members of the Canadian Forces and our allied forces reinforcing NATO's security in eastern Europe in this situation.  Our thoughts are with you and we urge you to ignore media disinformation efforts by Russian and pro-Russian interests. 



Report of Event

Three 44 Squadron Avro Lancaster B.Is in 1942

VE8IR has been operating VE80LAN mostly in FT-8 mode on 14.074 MHz (20 m) on Sundays in March.  His set-up was a Yaesu FT-817 in digital mode using WSJT-X and the FT-8 mode.  The antenna used was an MFJ magnetic loop facing northwest from his apartment windowsill.  On occasion he would disconnect the computer and try CW.  

On 6 March he was able to receive some stations but could not properly transmit.  He could see VE8PR's FT-8 signal all over the waterfall plot, but could not even reach him. 

After some troubleshooting on 13 March, VE8IR found out that the radio was in the wrong digital mode and then was able to transmit.  The SWR was very high (5:1 at least) and only about .24 to .5 W was getting out.  Nobody returned his calls.  VE8IR also found a loose connection with his CW paddles which he fixed and tried CW and other digital modes on 14.070 MHz as well as on higher HF bands.  On occasion the bands would open up briefly and he could hear stations from France, Germany, Russia and Lithuania.  There was also a steep learning curve using as he has never used DX spotting before.      

Attempts were made in FT-8 on the other Sundays of March and finally on 24 March he successfully made an FT-8 QSO with VE8CK, in Yellowknife.  He was transmitting with 3 W of power.  VE8IR reported this to Rick Danby VE3BK, the organizer of the event.