Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (VE8YK)

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA


Welcome to the Home Page of the Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (YARS).  We are the main amateur radio club in the City of Yellowknife and have been in existence since being established on 19 April 1985 by Daniel Piche (VE8DP), Rolf Ziemann (VE8RZ), Paul Hokkinen (VE8PB) and Joe Hamacher (VE8JH). 

Our objects, as stated in our Articles of Incorporation, are 

  1. to foster, encourage and assist on projects, which in the opinion of the members will promote Amateur Radio;
  2. to further the enjoyment and understanding of amateur radio; and
  3. to provide assistance and support to Civil Authorities in times of emergency.