Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (VE8YK)

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA


The Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (YARS) is a not-for-profit Society incorporated under the Northwest Territories Societies Act.  It is a term and condition that any user making use of this website does so subject to the laws in force in Canada and the Northwest Territories - including the Copyright Act, RSC, 1985 c.C-42 and in particular section 29 (Exceptions) of that Act.  While the Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society is dedicated to the amateur radio service, this website performs a largely educational function and no commercial function.  The fact that the domain name has a ".com" extension does not signify that YARS is a commercial entity - just that it has an old domain name extension.

Generally the images and articles on this website are the intellectual property of the Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society, unless otherwise attributed.  Any materials used on the site are used in good faith and in the belief that they are either in the public domain or licensed (for example with items that may purport to be part of the Creative Commons). YARS endeavours not to violate any copyright in any materials.  If such a violation is suspected, please notify the Administrator of the website or any of the members of the Executive (i.e. directors).  You may also send the Society a letter by mail bringing this matter to our attention. The Society does check its mail but infrequently.  We reserve the right to respond or not to such a complaint, without any adverse inferences being made.

In the interests of promoting the amateur radio service, users are permitted to make use of materials on this website with proper attribution. A donation to the Society would be welcome but is not mandatory. Commercial use of this website and its materials is not permitted without permission from the Society.