"Emerging from COVID"
- Assignment of Taker of Minutes
- Establishment of Quorum (3 members s. G.3 Constitution and Bylaws)
- Adoption of Agenda
- Financial Report - VE8IR
- Simple financial statement (s. I.1 Constitution and Bylaws)
- RAC Affiliation?
- RAC Liability Insurance? (s. H.3 Constitution and Bylaws)
- Status of Societies Registry filings
- Last AGM 1 August 2021; FY end 31 March 2022 (s. L Constitution and Bylaws)
- VE8SKI - should YARS reimburse VE8WD for this project? Presentation of receipts?
- Does YARS want to explore e-banking (raised by VE8KC in September 2011)?
- Vacancy - Vice-President
- Articles of Incorporation and Constitution and Bylaws - VE8IR
- Name change?
- Scope of geography change?
- Objects?
- Technical Matters
- VE8SKI - update from VE8WD
- Raspberry PI Wx station spin-off project? VE8IR
- VE80LAN - update from VE8WD and VE8IR
- email reflector - decommissioning
- Facebook - decommissioning
- Status of repeaters - VE8MT
- ARRL Field Day 2022 - 25 June 2022 - - QRP or QRO? Location? Field Day Captain? VE8IR
- Inner Whalebacks Wx Repeater - VE8WD
- VE8SKI - update from VE8WD
- Website - VE8IR and VE8WD - significantly revamped since September 2021 (≈8,000 hits)
- Emergency Preparedness
- Strategic Plan - VE8IR
- Development of Emergency Plan
- Contingency Plans
- Exercises
- Training and Promotion
- Website
- Re-establishment of Newsletter - Might rename it to Ensign - more of a blog now - "featured articles"; technical notes; course information; SWL - too much work to re-establish publication of Ensign
- Basic Qualification Course
- RAC ran this in Jan and the advanced one in Feb
- Ties into the strategic plan concept - summer course on Zoom or in person
- Examinations - VE8IR and VE8RT - Morse Code Exam
- Exercises
- Emergency preparedness exercises with MACA? TEWTS?
- Field Day 2022
- Fox Hunt
- Weekly HAM Net on VE8YK/R?
- Weekly CW practice?
- Website
- Social
- Weekly breakfasts - change to monthly?
- Spring/summer social? Tie in with a Fox Hunt?
- Membership
- Nothing to report
- New Business
- Adjournment
This Agenda has been somewhat redacted as it is online. Actual agenda has some other items in it that are sensitive.