Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (VE8YK)

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA





"Emerging from COVID"

  1. Assignment of Taker of Minutes
  2. Establishment of Quorum (3 members s. G.3 Constitution and Bylaws)
  3. Adoption of Agenda
  4. Financial Report - VE8IR
    1. Simple financial statement (s. I.1 Constitution and Bylaws)
    2. RAC Affiliation?
    3. RAC Liability Insurance? (s. H.3 Constitution and Bylaws)
    4. Status of Societies Registry filings
    5. Last AGM 1 August 2021; FY end 31 March 2022 (s. L Constitution and Bylaws)
    6. VE8SKI - should YARS reimburse VE8WD for this project? Presentation of receipts? 
    7. Does YARS want to explore e-banking (raised by VE8KC in September 2011)?
    8. Vacancy - Vice-President
    9. Articles of Incorporation and Constitution and Bylaws - VE8IR
      1. Name change?
      2. Scope of geography change?
      3. Objects?
    10. Technical Matters
      1. VE8SKI - update from VE8WD
        1. Raspberry PI Wx station spin-off project? VE8IR
      2. VE80LAN - update from VE8WD and VE8IR
        1. email reflector - decommissioning
        2. Facebook - decommissioning
      3. Status of repeaters - VE8MT
      4. ARRL Field Day 2022 - 25 June 2022 - - QRP or QRO? Location?  Field Day Captain? VE8IR
      5. Inner Whalebacks Wx Repeater - VE8WD
      6. VE8PAT QTH - 
    11. Website - VE8IR and VE8WD - significantly revamped since September 2021 (≈8,000 hits)
    12. Emergency Preparedness
      1. Strategic Plan - VE8IR
      2. Development of Emergency Plan
        1. Contingency Plans
        2. Exercises
    13. Training and Promotion
      1. Website
        1. Re-establishment of Newsletter - Might rename it to Ensign - more of a blog now - "featured articles"; technical notes; course information; SWL - too much work to re-establish publication of Ensign
      2. Basic Qualification Course
        1. RAC ran this in Jan and the advanced one in Feb
        2. Ties into the strategic plan concept - summer course on Zoom or in person
        3. Examinations - VE8IR and VE8RT - Morse Code Exam
      3. Exercises
        1. Emergency preparedness exercises with MACA? TEWTS?
        2. Field Day 2022
        3. Fox Hunt
      4. Weekly HAM Net on VE8YK/R?
      5. Weekly CW practice?
    14. Social
      1. Weekly breakfasts - change to monthly?
      2. Spring/summer social? Tie in with a Fox Hunt?
    15. Membership
      1. Nothing to report
    16. New Business
    17. Adjournment

This Agenda has been somewhat redacted as it is online.  Actual agenda has some other items in it that are sensitive.

The Guardian reports that the BBC has restored shortwave services to the Ukraine. Apparently access to its website has dropped to 17% of normal levels.  The Russian media regulator Roskomnadzor has restricted access to the BBC website from Russia.