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ISED Releases New Basic Amateur Radio Question Bank
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- Category: Training
- Hits: 100
ISED Releases New Basic Amateur Radio Question Bank
For immediate release – January 27, 2025
On January 27, 2025, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) released the new Basic Qualification Question Bank for Amateur Radio.
This new Question Bank will be used for all Basic Amateur Radio Certificate examinations beginning July 15, 2025.
Until then, the old Basic Question Bank will be used for all Basic examinations. Candidates, instructors and authors of Amateur Radio Study Guides may want to study the new Question Bank which is available for download from the ISED website at the link provided below.
Since early 2023, Radio Amateurs of Canada has had a committee of 20 instructors and Accredited Examiners (AEs) working to update and improve the quality of the 984 questions, 984 correct answers and 2,952 distractors (incorrect answers) in the Question Bank. This was the first major update to the Question Bank since 2013.
RAC’s Examinations Standards Committee (Comité des normes d’examen) (RAC-ESC-CNE) worked closely with ISED officers on the final versions of the exams which were agreed on by RAC and ISED in late 2024.
Radio Amateurs of Canada has prepared the following documents to help with the transition to the new Question Bank:
- a bilingual document which contains the old questions next to the new questions and provides notes explaining the changes
- separate English and French versions of a document containing a list of the 201 new question
Developments in Encryption and the Amateur Radio Service
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- Category: Public Information
- Hits: 1530
There have been developments about the use of encryption and the carrying-out of cryptographic experimentation in the amateur radio service. Two articles follow - 1) a press release from RAC on this subject; and 2) a portion of an article/FAQ by Dave Goodwin VE3KG – RAC Regulatory Affairs Officer.
Read more: Developments in Encryption and the Amateur Radio Service
City of Yellowknife After Action Assessment: 2023 North Slave Complex Wildfires
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- Category: Civil Defence
- Hits: 4744
The City of Yellowknife has released the Final Report on the 2023 North Slave Complex Wildfires event. The report is available from the City's website at:
The Final Report was prepared by KPMG for the City. KPMG did not interview the Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society. Recommendations 15-26 (pp. 71-75) are of particular interest. Pages 96-97 (Appendix G) of the Final Report describe the the Northwest Territories Emergency Management System.
ISED Gives Advance Notice of Update of Basic Amateur Radio Exam Questions
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- Category: Training
- Hits: 989
For immediate release | July 6, 2024 –
On July 5, 2024, Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) posted the following announcement on its website:
“Working with the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC), Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) plans to update the Basic Amateur Exam questions and answers in early 2025. An advance copy, in PDF format, will be posted in the coming months on our Downloads page so that instructors and examiners can update their material before the transition. After this update, ISED will perform a similar review of the Advanced Amateur Exam, with new exams expected after 2025.”
Read more: ISED Gives Advance Notice of Update of Basic Amateur Radio Exam Questions
Report of 2023 Wildfires and Response by YARS
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- Category: Civil Defence
- Hits: 5086
[2024-06-17] From about May to October 2023 a series of wildfires occurred across the Northwest Territories. The wildfires were wide-spread geographically and coincided with abnormally high temperatures and a major drought. Significant loss of forests occurred as did loss to private property including homes and infrastructure (roads, fibre optic cables, hydro-electrical transmission lines etc.). The community of Enterprise was consumed. Fort Smith, Hay River, Enterprise, Kátł'odeeche First Nation, Yellowknife, Behchokǫ̀ etc. were all evacuated amongst other locations. Fortunately there was no direct loss of life.
WordPerfect on Linux
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- Category: Technical Notes
- Hits: 719
Retrofuturism - Anachronistic Technology and HAM Radio

The figure above may seem rather silly. It shows WordPerfect 8.0 for UNIX running - roughly the equivalent of WordPerfect 4.2 for MSDOS - mid to late 1980s. WordPerfect 6.0 for MSDOS is shown running in the DOSBOX, an emulator for MSDOS - late 1990s). Finally WordPerfect X.13 is shown running in a virtual machine that is running Windows 7. All of these are running under Linux Mint 21.x. The laptop on which they are running is an old ASUS X55U, with motherboard manufactured in 2013.
Aurora Borealis
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- Category: Technical Notes
- Hits: 1696
What is the Aurora?

The aurora borealis or Northern Lights is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs in the northern hemisphere of the planet. It also occurs in the southern hemisphere where it is known as the aurora australis. Aurora are known to exist on comets, brown dwarfs, other planets and on some moons. Aurora are caused by solar wind interacting with magnetic fields and atmospheric particles. Atmospheric particles become energized and form what is known as plasma. Plasma is energized or ionized gas. It is the fourth state of matter and has been so identified since about 1972. Yes, your high school teachers who taught you the three states of matter were...well...not current in their physics. You see plasma every day when you see the sun, an operating fluorescent light or an operating neon light.
The Wagon-wheel Effect (Nyquist Frequency and Aliasing)
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- Category: Technical Notes
- Hits: 2787
The Wagon-wheel Effect, Stroboscopic Effects and Aliasing
Sometimes in movies one sees a stagecoach rambling through the countryside with some notorious highwayman (such as Dick Turpin) in hot pursuit. The wheels appear to be going in the opposite direction at a very slow speed or not turning at all. Images of any rotating object, including helicopter rotors or aircraft propellers, show this. This phenomenon was mentioned one morning by YARS members during coffee and I decided to write an article about it. One of our members mentioned a "stroboscopic effect" where, with a strobe light flashes at a sampling rate close to the period of motion causes this effect. For example if a light flashes at 60 flashes per second (60 Hz) and the rotating object is rotating 60 revolutions per second (60 Hz), then the object will appear to be stationary. If the object rotates at 61 revolutions per second, it will appear to slowly appear to move backwards. At 50 revolutions per second it will appear to rotate slowly forwards.
This effect can be used to measure the speed of moving objects simply by observing them. It can also lead to irritation by persons sensitive to the effects, sometimes called "flicker". This has nothing to do with a phenomenon called "rolling shutter" - which is merely a time delay artefact in a digital camera caused by how the camera scans an object over time, line by line (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNVtMmLlnoE ).

Read more: The Wagon-wheel Effect (Nyquist Frequency and Aliasing)