Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (VE8YK)

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA


Given the recent Wildfire events, including the evacuation of the City of Yellowknife and the fact that the services of the Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society and of the amateur radio service were not called upon by civil authorities, the Society is carrying out a comprehensive review of all of its emergency planning including any role that the amateur radio service should play in civil defence activities.  Comments are welcome and can be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .  

Those who provide comments are asked to first study the YARS page at as it contains important source materials including details on RAC ARES, the NWT Emergency Plan 2018, the City of Yellowknife Emergency Plan 2019, and the YARS Emergency Plan from 2010.  Information about the Incident Command System (ICS) is readily available online.  There is no deadline on this yet and absolutely no chance of anything being finalized before the current Wildfires response ends (probably in late October).

Please keep in mind that the focus of this review is on the Territorial Amateur Radio Emergency Communications System, not on the emergency response carried on by the GNWT or the City.

The aim of this review is partly a study in emergency planning and organization but also will direct how the Society carries out its emergency preparedness activities into the future.

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