Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA




Registration for Spring 2022 RAC Basic Course is now underway!

For immediate release:

Radio Amateurs of Canada is once again offering an online Amateur Radio course so that individuals from all across Canada can obtain their Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification while continuing to practise social/physical distancing.

The course will again be conducted with the assistance of the Annapolis Valley Amateur Radio Club (AVARC) of Nova Scotia.

This course prepares students for the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) Basic Qualification Level Operator Certificate exam to operate on allocated Amateur Radio frequencies.

Schedule and Cost:

Date: The course will start on Thursday, January 27 and will finish in early April.

Time: Classes will be held on Thursday evenings from 6 pm to 9 pm (1800 – 2100)  Eastern Time  and Sunday afternoons 1 pm to 4 pm (1300 – 1600) Eastern Time.

Cost: The registration fee for the course is $50 plus GST/HST. The cost of the Basic Study Guide is extra and an order link will be provided upon completion of payment.

VE8KG (Kevin) Newly Licensed Amateur Radio Operator [VE8RT Photo]

The Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (YARS) welcomes Kevin (VE8KG) to the amateur radio service.  Kevin passed his basic exam with honours on 4 December 2021, invigilated by VE8RT. 

YARS has all the materials needed for one to study and write the Basic Qualification online at: .  Practice exams are available at the regulator's website: .  The exam is nationally set by the Government of Canada.  If you are interested in becoming licensed and in becoming a HAM radio operator, you can study this material and we recommend you seek out an accredited examiner in your territory or province (they can be searched at$.startup ).  For those in the Northwest Territories, YARS has two accredited examiners, Ron Thompson (VE8RT) and Ian Rennie (VE8IR) .  They can administer exams in Nunavut with approval of Industry Canada. Neither charges a fee for this service as it is a public service and in the interests of the amateur radio service to have newly licensed radio amateurs.